Troye Shanks -solo @Lucky’s 1-4pm
The 40th Anniversary World Tour continues all year long. Troye plays solo 1-4pm ….. Stop on out
The 40th Anniversary World Tour continues all year long. Troye plays solo 1-4pm ….. Stop on out
Sunday Night Live! Is Morgan’s live music series Sunday nights 6-8 pm. July 17 features Troye Shanks.
Troye is solo acoustic on the rooftop 6-8pm weather permitting
Troye Shanks Playing solo outside at the Tiki Bar 4-7pm
Troye Shanks continues the 40th Anniversary World Tour and lands at Lucky’s 1-4pm
Last minute pop-up gig at Lucy’s Hide Away Bike Night. 6-8pm. Weather Permitting.
Open Mic and or Jam. Backline available please message ahead. Thanks